Absolutely worth picking up if you're a fan of MMOs or RPGs in general! … Expand Overall, I really have nothing negative to say except - GIVE BLACK MAGE ULTIMA NEXT TIME. The combat has largely improved many of the flaws held by many of the jobs - MNK getting a 4th stack of Greased Lightning and being able to keep stacks up between pulls, BLM getting a single-target foul, more instants to assist mobility, and Umbral Soul to keep Umbral Hearts and Enochian up between pulls/transitions, MCH getting rid of ammo and heat system, and DRK getting rid of Dark Arts all feel so much smoother than ever - and that's only naming a few! The new jobs are both very fun and engaging and bring a lot of entertainment to the table, DNC especially being one of the most engaging and enjoyable ranged DPS jobs I've ever played, while GNB gives us an alternative to WAR as a dps-oriented tank that likes to give our healers heart attacks. The new characters wrench our heartstrings in just the right way. The new zones have a beautiful aesthetic from the second you set foot in the First, all with truly memorable music from the brilliant Masayoshi Soken (Amh Araeng is a personal favorite theme!). The emotional roller coaster we got this time around easily rivals Heavensward, or even strong single player RPGs like FFX, and storywise is simply the best I've seen in an MMO, period. The villain is one of the most relatable antagonists we've seen in an RPG to date, and while his methods may not be acceptable, they are completely understandable. I have played a lot of MMOs and a lot of RPGs, and none of them come close to the masterful storytelling that Shadowbringers brought to the I have played a lot of MMOs and a lot of RPGs, and none of them come close to the masterful storytelling that Shadowbringers brought to the table.
New beast tribes: pixies, Nu Mou, and dwarves New 8-player raid: Eden An exciting new series of alliance raids YoRHa:Dark Apocalypse The Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard - In the aftermath of the Dragonsong War, Disciples of the Hand and Land work together to rebuild Ishgard … Expand

New trails, including harrowing encounters with Titania and Innocence. New jobs: Gunbreaker and Dancer New races: Viera and Hrothgar Level cap increased: 70 to 80 New cities: The Crystarium and Eulmore Journey through expansive new areas, such as the Rak’tika Greatwood, Amh Araeng, Il Mheg and Lakeland. Journey through expansive new areas, such Take part in the next saga of FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online with the next legendary expansion pack-SHADOWBRINGERS. Summary: Take part in the next saga of FINAL FANTASY® XIV Online with the next legendary expansion pack-SHADOWBRINGERS.